What is quiet quitting and why is it happening?
What is quiet quitting and why is it happening? Quiet quitting is a case where an employee separates from their work and organization, but instead of resigning, they stay in their job...
By Rima Poudel | 26-February-2023 | Category: Employer Blog
What should a resume look like?
What should a resume look like? To shine in the job market, resumes play a critical role. Resumes are the source of making a solid first impression on employers. But creating a resume is no piec...
By FroxJob | 15-February-2021 | Category: Resume Writing
What are the pros and cons of Linkedin as a recruitment tool?
You may be skeptical about finding a suitable job in Nepal. However, the process of recruitment in Nepal can be a simple affair if you take care of a few things. Moreover, online opportunities...
By FroxJob | 21-December-2020 | Category: Career Insights- Employee Blog
Announcement of Shortlisting Candidates for Written Exam of ASDP_Agriculture Technician
सूचना फ्रन्टलाईन कन्सल्ट प्रा.लि.बाट कृषि क्षेत्र विकास कार्यक्रमको आवश्यकतानुसार मिति २०७७-०७-१४ मा प्रकाशित सूचना बमोजिम कृषि प्राविधिक ( Agriculture Technician) पदमा गुगल फर्म तथा इ&nd...
By FroxJob | 11-December-2020 | Category: Career Insights- Employee Blog