Advance Selling Skills for Managers

Advance Selling Skills for Managers

Category: Trainings

Views: 3743 | August 14, 2019

FDC’s Training on “The Art of Selling – Advance Selling Skills for Managers “is designed to transform sales managers into sales leaders, equipping participants with proven tools and methodologies for maximizing the potential of every person on their team. Participants learn how to motivate their team, create an environment for success, get the most out of individual and team temperaments and talent, manage performance and foster professional development among their staff.


The major objectives of training are;

  • Participants will be able to understand the process, stages and strategies of negotiation in sales.
  • Participants will be able to motivate the sales team and convert to ultimate revenue.
  • Participants will learn and will be able to handle issues related to coaching the sales force, holding integrative meetings, and practicing ethical management.
  • Participants will learn to apply different negotiation models knowing the pros & cons of your negotiation style anticipating the other’s moves & discerning their manipulations

Course Outcome

After attending the session participants will get following output;

  • Develop the key skills of successful sales people by understanding sales process, negotiation skills and improve their sales performance as well as results as well as they will be able to initiate actions required to motivate their sales force.
  • Knowledge on how to identify and relate that to client/customer needs by exploring buyer motivation and discover how psychology affects winning or losing a sale.
  • Tailor your sales force selling style to meet any situation and becoming more client/customer focused by being able to overcome objections and win over skeptical buyers improving communication skills.

Training Methodologies:

  • Participatory-led oral presentation and group work
  • Trainer led instructions for concept acquisition (theory Into Practice)
  • Case-analyses/Case Study
  • Demonstrations, Role Play and Related Games
  • Problem-based learning/Sharing


Training Contents;

Sales Planning

Strategy Execution

Lead Generation Techniques

  • Know your Customer
  • Know Your Product
  • USPs and Sales Talk of your product
  • FAB 
  • Differentiation
  • Communications 
  • Building Rapport
  • Demonstration
  • Asking for the sale
  • Golden Rules on Sale

Six C’s of communication

  • Tools and Techniques
  • Overcoming any fear or asking for the business 
  • Practical exercises to practice getting the sale with confidence
  • Creating a clear vision for yourself using positive psychology

Fighting filters and perceptions

  • Overcoming any fear or asking for the business
  • Dealing with delayed sales proposals
  • Practical exercises to practice getting the sale with confidence
  • Creating a clear vision for yourself using positive psychology


Personality types

  • Explain how to choose a negotiation strategy based on relationship and results
  • Define positional bargaining.
  • Identify the differences between “Soft" and “Hard" negotiating.
  • Define principled negotiation.
  • Identify the four steps in the negotiation process.


Preparing for negotiation

  • Identify fears and “hot buttons “as well as strategies to overcome them.
  • Identify areas to research on your side and on your opponent's side.
  • Define your BATNA (best alternative to a negotiation agreement), WATNA (worst

            alternative to a negotiation agreement), WAP (walk away point) and ZOPA (zone of

            Possible agreement)

  • Skill practice: Prepare for your personal negotiation situation

BASE Concept- Probing Skills

Motivation and Self Confidence – Type of self-motivation and motivating others to keep

your workplace exciting;

  • What motivates you?
  • 5 things that require ZERO talent
  • Building Self Confidence
  • Daily Habits for self Confidence

Speed Mentoring

FORCE Fusion

Bullet Proof Selling Techniques

CPC Concept-Competition, Product and Customer

Consumer Behavior-KYC

Sound, Creative and Strategic Sales Skills

SMART Selling Approach
